Such a fun birthday greeting postcard! Postcards are wonderful little communication nuggets! With a postcard you can send a smile and a message for just 53 cents. You not only save stamp money, you're not sending paper envelopes to the landfill. It’s Win/Win for the earth and your friends and family. These postcards are super high quality with a fabulous matte finish, all from original art by me. Bonus, they fit into a 4 by 6-inch frame.
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I’m passionate about reconnecting people with things that are real and touchable in our tech heavy isolating world. My goal is to help bring back contact between us all with no phone in the middle. Slow down, take a deep breath and touch someone--With a POSTCARD! No envelope, no wasted envelopes to the landfill, plus postcard stamps are far cheaper and you get to send a smile.
Roxanna Groves
store owner
I love ephemera, paper pieces tell such a story. How can I resist creating cards that can send a giggle or a hug?
I have made art since I could could pick up a pencil or a blob of clay. Because I am entranced with beautiful old bits I wound up going green by repurposing materials in my sculptures and mixed media work. Of course, I couldn’t tear up wonderful vintage things so I headed off to Etsy, where I am That Other Rabbit with my found treasures.
I hope you enjoy falling down my rabbit hole.